Aardbeving 4 Gratis download Volledige PC Game Setup

Aardbeving 4 Gratis download pc-game-installatie voor Windows. This is the first person shooter game based on a very interesting fourth series of Quake.


Aardbeving 4 Overzicht pc-games

Aardbeving 4 is a very interesting PC Game which was developed by Raven Software and published by Activision. Aardbeving 4 is a game which is quite different from other games of series. Only one point which matches this game is the characters, more or less characters are the same. In game player has to pass through different areas. Where a number of hidden species could arrive. Aardbeving 4 is the game of levels, Where there is entry level and exit level. Player can play this game on three modes i.e. easy, medium and hard which totally depends on player’s choice to select among them. Mostly emphasis is for single player but more than one player can also play the game and can choose some tournament or match. If you like playing this game then you may like similar game called Turning Point Fall of Liberty. U kunt het gratis downloaden van onze website.

Aardbeving 4 Gratis download Volledige PC Game Setup

Graphics and visual effects of Quake 4 PC Game are very amazing. The sounds in Quake 4 are also very interesting which may increase player’s interest towards the game. Each character has his own voice and expressions. Die worden gewijzigd afhankelijk van de situatie. Which determines the great use of graphics and Artificial intelligence in Quake 4 PC-spel. A number of new and unique weapons are introduced which includes grenades, guns and many others. De mogelijkheden en vaardigheden nemen toe naarmate de speler verschillende niveaus doorloopt. A number of new movements of players are introduced in this version of game. You may like playing similar game called De ongelooflijke avonturen van Van Helsing 2. Je kunt het gratis downloaden van onze website.

Aardbeving 4 Gratis download Volledige PC Game Setup

Features of Quake 4 PC-spel

Following are the main features of Quake 4 PC-game die je kunt ervaren na de eerste installatie op je besturingssysteem.

  • First person schietspel.
  • Unieke en verbeterde visuele effecten.
  • New challenges and levels have being introduced in the game.
  • Spel voor één en meerdere spelers
  • Can organise various matches and tournaments
  • Different jumping techniques introduced
  • Speler kan verschillende modi in het spel instellen
  • New weapons have been introduced for the player

Aardbeving 4 Gratis download Volledige PC Game Setup

System Requirement of Quake 4 PC-spel

Before you start Quake 4 Free Download PC game make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements.

  • Besturingssysteem: Windows XP / Windows 7 ( 64 Beetje )
  • CPU: Pentium 4
  • RAM: 512 MB
  • Ruimte op de harde schijf: 4 GB

Aardbeving 4 Gratis download Volledige PC Game Setup

Aardbeving 4 Gratis download

Klik op de onderstaande knop om Quake te starten 4 Gratis download. Het is een volledig en compleet spel. Gewoon downloaden en beginnen met spelen. We hebben gezorgd voor een directe volledige installatie van de game.