تحميل مجاني Ember

Ember Free Download PC Game setup in single direct link for Windows. Ember is a superb adventure and indie game with strategy elements in it.

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Ember PC Game 2016 نظرة عامة

تم تطويره تحت راية N-Fusion Interactive. تم إصداره في 9العاشر سبتمبر 2016 و 505 ألعاب نشرت هذه اللعبة في جميع أنحاء العالم. يمكنك أيضًا التنزيل 60 لعبة ثانية للكمبيوتر.

تحميل مجاني Ember

Ember is developed as a homage to the classic RPG games of past. The story of this game is very attractive and you see that back in the day there was no sun. The world was dark and sometime heavens opened up stars fell in the world and they were known as Embers. The Lightbringers who were the wise druids of primitive race explored the land to find the luminous object. They performed a ritual which awakened the Embers from their sleep. The World became brightened but the embers were soon hunted and it started the Ember Wars. The gameplay of this game is pure RPG and it will take you to the classic versions of the RPG games. You will play a 30+ hours of epic fantasy adventure with awesome storyline. هناك أكثر 70 different quests in this game. Altogether this game is really awesome and you will love it. يمكنك أيضًا تنزيل Citadels.


Features of Ember

Following are the main features of Ember that you will be able to experience after the first install on your Operating System.

  • Its an excellent adventure game.
  • It is homage to the classic RPG games.
  • Its storyline is amazing.
  • لقد فعلت ذلك 30+ ساعات من اللعب.
  • هناك 70 different quests in it.


System Requirements of Ember

Before you start Ember Free Download make sure your PC meets minimum system requirements.

  • تم اختباره على Windows 7 64-قليلا
  • نظام التشغيل: شبابيك 7/8/10
  • وحدة المعالجة المركزية: انتل كور 2 Duo 2.5 جيجا هرتز أو أسرع
  • الرامات "الذاكرة العشوائية في الهواتف والحواسيب: 2غيغابايت
  • حجم الإعداد: 4.5غيغابايت
  • مساحة القرص الثابت: 4غيغابايت


تحميل مجاني Ember

Click on the below button to start Ember. إنها لعبة كاملة وكاملة. مجرد تحميل والبدء في اللعب. لقد قدمنا ​​رابطًا مباشرًا للإعداد الكامل للعبة.