روح التجوال تحميل مجاني
Spirit Of Wandering Free Download setup in direct link. Spirit Of Wandering has very interesting story and it is very interesting and difficult puzzle game.
جدول المحتويات
Spirit Of Wandering Overview
It has amazing 3D graphics and it also has amazing background sounds. It has very beautiful locations and very beautiful items in the levels. يحتوي على أيقونات قائمة بشكل جميل للغاية. لديها وضع لاعب واحد. Player can also create his own profile in this game and can also give his own name to the created profile. In this game player can also create and register his high scores.
تتميز بمستويات صعبة وممتعة للغاية ولا يمكن للاعب إكمال مستويات هذه اللعبة إذا لم يلعب هذه اللعبة باهتمام مناسب وتركيز كامل. In this game player has to find different items from the different locations which are required. In this game locations will change with the next levels and number of items to be find also increases.
Player has to complete all levels of this game and he can if he play this game with proper interest and full concentration. In this game player can also take help in finding the items by clicking on the hints button which is located at the screen. Player can also enjoy this game if he play this game with interest.
Spirit Of wandering Features
Spirit Of Wandering System Requirements
- نظام التشغيل Windows XP / windows Vista / windows 7/ شبابيك 8 أو 8.1
- المعالج 800 ميجاهرتز أو أعلى
- ذاكرة عشوائية بحد أدنى 1024 ميغا بايت
- X المباشر 9.0 أو أفضل
- لوحة صوت متوافقة مع Direct X
- سهولة إزالة اللعبة من خلال لوحة تحكم windows
روح التجوال تحميل مجاني
Click below Button to start Spirit Of Wandering Free Download. إنها لعبة كاملة. فقط قم بتنزيله وابدأ تشغيله. لقد قدمنا إعداد رابط مباشر لهذه اللعبة.