تنزيل Star Shooter مجانًا
Star Shooter Free Download game setup in single link. . Star shooter is a very interesting shooting game with latest 3D graphics.
جدول المحتويات
Star Shooter Overview
It has very beautiful background sounds and it also has very beautiful locations in the levels and there are very beautiful screen savers in this game. It has single player mode and in this game player can select difficulty level and for difficulty level selection choice has been given in this game to the player. Player can also made high scores or records in this game by destroying large numbers of enemy`s ships and by also gaining most bonus items. It has very difficult missions and player cannot complete the missions of this game if he will not play this game with proper attention and as well as full concentration. In this game player will fight in the galaxy.
In this game player has to destroy all the enemy`s ships given in the levels of this game and should save his own ship from the enemy`s fires because if player`s ship get more fires of enemies then ship of player will blast and game will over and then player has to start the level from the beginning. Player can enjoy all levels of this game by completing each and every level of this game.
The power and strength of enemy will also increases with the next levels so, that`s why player should mentally prepare himself for this.
Star Shooter Features
- لعبة تصويب
- لعبة مثيرة جدا للاهتمام
- وضع لاعب واحد
- رسومات ثلاثية الأبعاد جميلة جدًا
- Very beautiful screen savers
- أصوات خلفية جميلة جدا
- مواقع جميلة
- Difficult and interesting levels
Star Shooter System Requirements
- شبابيك 95/98/ Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7/ شبابيك 8 و 8.1
- المعالج 800 ميغا هرتز أو أعلى
- الحد الأدنى من ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي 1024 ميغابايت
- دايركت 9.0 أو أفضل
- هذا هو السبب في أن اللاعب يجب أن يعد نفسه ذهنيًا لهذا الفعل إذا كان يريد إكمال جميع مهام هذه اللعبة
تنزيل Star Shooter مجانًا
Click the below button to start Star Shooter Free Download. إنها لعبة كاملة. فقط قم بتنزيله وابدأ تشغيله. We have provided direct link full setup of this game.